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viernes, 31 de mayo de 2024

RE: Do you need LinkedIn Email List

Are you looking for a Targeted LinkedIn Email List or bulk email marketing to your target prospects for Lead generation?

Please let me know your thoughts.

Aiden Watson


jueves, 30 de mayo de 2024

RE: Proposal attached

From your customer demographics(target audience), we can provide a 20,000 contact targeted database of verified email leads from LinkedIn at a minimum cost with 95% email accuracy guaranteed.

Are you interested in seeing a data sample from your Target Market (any city across the globe/any industry/any titles)You can test the data before purchase.

Data fields: LinkedIn profile link, name, title, email address, company name, city, company size etc.

If you are also looking for Bulk Email Marketing, we have a dedicated team and platform for sending Bulk email campaigns to generate queries/responses for your business. We have helped more than 2,000 companies globally since 2016.

Please let me know your thoughts.

Aiden Watson


RE: Proposal attached

From your customer demographics(target audience), we can provide a 20,000 contact targeted database of verified email leads from LinkedIn at a minimum cost with 95% email accuracy guaranteed.

Are you interested in seeing a data sample from your Target Market (any city across the globe/any industry/any titles)You can test the data before purchase.

Data fields: LinkedIn profile link, name, title, email address, company name, city, company size etc.

If you are also looking for Bulk Email Marketing, we have a dedicated team and platform for sending Bulk email campaigns to generate queries/responses for your business. We have helped more than 2,000 companies globally since 2016.

Please let me know your thoughts.

Aiden Watson


miércoles, 29 de mayo de 2024

RE: Proposal attached

From your customer demographics(target audience), we can provide a 20,000 contact targeted database of verified email leads from LinkedIn at a minimum cost with 95% email accuracy guaranteed.

Are you interested in seeing a data sample from your Target Market (any city across the globe/any industry/any titles)You can test the data before purchase.

Data fields: LinkedIn profile link, name, title, email address, company name, city, company size etc.

If you are also looking for Bulk Email Marketing, we have a dedicated team and platform for sending Bulk email campaigns to generate queries/responses for your business. We have helped more than 2,000 companies globally since 2016.

Please let me know your thoughts.

Aiden Watson


lunes, 27 de mayo de 2024

RE: Proposal attached

From your customer demographics(target audience), we can provide a 20,000 contact targeted database of verified email leads from LinkedIn at a minimum cost with 95% email accuracy guaranteed.

Are you interested in seeing a data sample from your Target Market (any city across the globe/any industry/any titles)You can test the data before purchase.

Data fields: LinkedIn profile link, name, title, email address, company name, city, company size etc.

If you are also looking for Bulk Email Marketing, we have a dedicated team and platform for sending Bulk email campaigns to generate queries/responses for your business. We have helped more than 2,000 companies globally since 2016.

Please let me know your thoughts.

Aiden Watson


miércoles, 22 de mayo de 2024

RE: Checking???



From: Baris Baratan
Sent: Wednesday, May 22, 2024 4:02 PM
Subject: RE: Checking???


Hi there,

Could you please inform me if you're still active here by kindly responding with your full names for More Details.

I'd like to discuss a financial proposal with you


lunes, 13 de mayo de 2024

RE: L I N K E D I N email list

From your customer demographics(target audience) we are providing 20,000 Targeted Email verified Leads database from LinkedIn at a minimum cost(95% email accuracy guaranteed).

Are you interested in seeing sample data from your Target Market(any city across the globe/any industry/any titles)?
You can test the data before purchase.

Data fields: LinkedIn profile link, name, title, email address, company name, city, company size etc.

If you are also looking for Bulk Email Marketing, we have a dedicated team and platform for sending Bulk email campaigns to generate queries/responses for your business.
We have helped more than 10,000 companies globally since 2016.

Please let me know your thoughts.

Aiden Watson

domingo, 12 de mayo de 2024

FW: Did you see the sample

From your customer demographics(target audience) we are providing 20,000 Targeted Email verified Leads database from LinkedIn at a minimum cost(95% email accuracy guaranteed).

Are you interested in seeing sample data from your Target Market(any city across the globe/any industry/any titles)?
You can test the data before purchase.

Data fields: LinkedIn profile link, name, title, email address, company name, city, company size etc.

If you are also looking for Bulk Email Marketing, we have a dedicated team and platform for sending Bulk email campaigns to generate queries/responses for your business.
We have helped more than 10,000 companies globally since 2016.

Please let me know your thoughts.

Aiden Watson

sábado, 11 de mayo de 2024

Targeted and Verified Leads from L I N K E D I N

From your customer demographics(target audience) we are providing 20,000 Targeted Email verified Leads database from LinkedIn at a minimum cost(95% email accuracy guaranteed).

Are you interested in seeing sample data from your Target Market(any city across the globe/any industry/any titles)?
You can test the data before purchase.

Data fields: LinkedIn profile link, name, title, email address, company name, city, company size etc.

If you are also looking for Bulk Email Marketing, we have a dedicated team and platform for sending Bulk email campaigns to generate queries/responses for your business.
We have helped more than 10,000 companies globally since 2016.

Please let me know your thoughts.

Aiden Watson

Urgent Message !

International Monetary Fund
700 19th Street, N.W.


With reference to your entitlement fund and inline with the CHANGE OF BENEFICIARY'S APPLICATION, signed by Mr Calvin R. Hemming with your purported authorization. This issue has been carefully examined and we have declined Calvin R. Hemming's application as the application lacks regular signature. But Did you ever instruct Mr Calvin R. Hemming to claim your fund worth US$9.500.000? Below is the bank account information provided by Mr Calvin R. Hemming saying that you authorized him to claim your fund that you are terminally ill.

Bank Name: Bank of America
Account Name:: Calvin R. Hemming
ACCT NO: 586025513245
Routing No: 111000025
Bank Address 9711 Bissonnet St. Houston, Tx 77036

If you had not authorized the change of your bank account in respect to your outstanding entitlement Payment, therefore notify me immediately as the notification / declaration was supported with a sworn affidavit from Texas high court ref: ilk /jj/202/k2024, dated 29th of February 2024 and signed by Mr Calvin R. Hemming who claimed and stated in the sworn declaration that you authorized him to claim the said fund on your behalf to a different bank account in the U.S. as stated above because you were terminally ill and the Doctor who is in charge of your case stated that you will not stay more than one Month before passing away.

If you did not authorize this payment, we will suspend all your pending transfers and arrange your payment through our swift card payment center after verification. In receipt of this confidential email, you are required to get back to us immediately to proceed with the funds release or stop with the release to your representatives and claim your funds personally.

You are directed to contact the Office of the Paymaster General immediately through his below Contact details to start processing your file.

Dr. Michael Smith
Email Address:

This development has caused lots of discrepancies in your payment file that is why we had to suspend your payment and prompted you to contact you directly before re-validating your payment. You can be rest assured that we will do everything within my capacity to successfully actualize the quick transfer of your fund to any of your nominated bank accounts.

Kindly contact Dr. Michael Smith as soon as possible so that he will direct you on what to do for the claims.

Best Regards.
Mrs.Patricia Mcniel.
Public Information Officer

This email has been checked for viruses by Avast antivirus software.

martes, 7 de mayo de 2024

Un nuevo artículo para ti: IA: La Fuerza que Enciende el Futuro, ¿a qué Precio?

Para darse de baja click aquí

Buen día,

Soy Emma Martin, redactora de Papernest y editora de la sección del blog que se ocupa del apartado de información y temas relacionados con energía, nuevas tendencias y sostenibilidad.

Creemos que podría interesarte nuestro artículo más reciente sobre la Inteligencia Artificial y la gran cantidad de energía que sus centros de datos consumen. Así como las posibles soluciones a este problema, las cuales pasan por la energía solar, aunque se contempla también el uso de la energía nuclear.

Te enviamos este artículo pensando que podría ser interesante para ti y para tus lectores. Puedes publicarlo tal cual está o modificarlo a tu gusto en función de tus necesidades editoriales. Si necesitas imágenes adicionales, no dudes en ponerte en contacto con nosotros.

Sólo pedimos que se especifique nuestra fuente con la siguiente anotación por motivos de derechos de autor.



IA: La Fuerza que Enciende el Futuro, ¿a qué Precio?

La Inteligencia Artificial y su Impacto en el Consumo Energético

En la era moderna, la inteligencia artificial (IA) ha revolucionado numerosos sectores, aumentando considerablemente el consumo energético global. Este incremento plantea desafíos significativos para la sostenibilidad y eficiencia de los recursos energéticos, especialmente en centros de datos donde la IA es extensamente utilizada. A medida que la IA se integra más en nuestras vidas, se hace imprescindible desarrollar y adoptar soluciones energéticas que no solo sean innovadoras, sino también sostenibles.

Si las soluciones propuestas para abordar el consumo energético asociado a la inteligencia artificial tienen éxito, es posible que se vea un impacto positivo en el precio de la luz a largo plazo. Sin embargo, la implementación efectiva de estas soluciones y la gestión de otros factores influyentes serán determinantes en el resultado final.

Innovación y Sostenibilidad en el Consumo Energético

Empresas como Exowatt están a la vanguardia en la creación de soluciones energéticas sustentables, particularmente mediante el desarrollo de tecnologías que utilizan fuentes renovables de energía. Exowatt ha diseñado módulos de almacenamiento de energía que convierten la energía solar en electricidad directamente, y almacenan el exceso de energía en forma de calor para su posterior uso. Este sistema no solo reduce los costos operativos asociados con los centros de datos de IA, sino que también minimiza la dependencia de fuentes de energía no renovables.

La Agencia Internacional de Energía resalta la importancia de tales innovaciones, considerando que los centros de datos pueden llegar a consumir hasta un 2% de la energía mundial. Exowatt se posiciona como un ejemplo sobresaliente de cómo la integración de la energía renovable puede ayudar a mitigar los efectos ambientales y económicos del uso intensivo de la IA.

El Rol Potencial de la Energía Nuclear

Frente al creciente consumo energético vinculado a la IA, la energía nuclear emerge como una alternativa potencialmente prometedora. A pesar de las controversias históricas relacionadas con la seguridad y la gestión de residuos nucleares, la energía nuclear tiene la capacidad de generar grandes cantidades de electricidad de manera continua y eficiente, sin emisiones de gases de efecto invernadero. 

Esto la convierte en una opción atractiva para satisfacer la demanda energética en situaciones donde las energías renovables pueden no ser completamente viables debido a limitaciones geográficas o climáticas.

Es crucial, sin embargo, abordar y mitigar los riesgos asociados con la energía nuclear. Los avances en los diseños de reactores y en los métodos de tratamiento y almacenamiento de residuos nucleares han mejorado la seguridad de esta tecnología. Implementar regulaciones estrictas y seguir protocolos de seguridad rigurosos son pasos esenciales para reducir cualquier riesgo potencial asociado con su uso.

Ventajas y desventajas de la energía nuclear



Genera residuos a partir del material utilizado.

No produce emisiones de CO2 ni otros gases de efecto invernadero durante la generación de energía.

Posibilidad de accidentes nucleares o fugas radiactivas.

La energía nuclear puede producirse de manera constante y planificada durante todo el año.

El uranio, principal combustible, es finito y no renovable al menos a escala humana.

Los costos de operación de las centrales nucleares suelen ser bajos en comparación con otras fuentes de energía.

Los materiales nucleares tienen alta radiactividad y larga vida media.

Alta producción energética con bajo consumo de combustible.


La energía nuclear tiene un potencial a largo plazo como fuente de energía.


Algunos países tienen tecnología para reciclar el uranio utilizado, reduciendo así la cantidad de residuos nucleares.


Existen instalaciones de almacenamiento diseñadas para garantizar el confinamiento seguro de los materiales radiactivos.


Las centrales nucleares están reguladas por normativas rigurosas y cuentan con personal altamente capacitado para operarlas de manera segura.

Conclusiones y Perspectivas Futuras

El rápido avance de la IA ha propulsado la demanda de soluciones energéticas innovadoras y sostenibles. Tanto las tecnologías renovables como la energía nuclear ofrecen caminos prometedores para satisfacer las necesidades energéticas futuras de manera sostenible. La clave reside en balancear la expansión tecnológica de la IA con la protección del medio ambiente, promoviendo un futuro más próspero y sostenible.

El desarrollo continuo de soluciones energéticas, que aprovechen al máximo las fuentes renovables y minimicen los impactos ambientales, es fundamental para garantizar que la tecnología de IA se desarrolle de manera responsable y sostenible. Las innovaciones en el almacenamiento y la generación de energía, como las implementadas por Exowatt, junto con una consideración seria de la energía nuclear bajo estrictas medidas de seguridad, podrían ser esenciales para un futuro energético equilibrado y sustentable. 

En última instancia, el desafío radica en encontrar y mantener ese equilibrio entre la expansión tecnológica y la sostenibilidad ambiental, para así poder incrementar nuestra eficiencia energética y alargar la vida de nuestro planeta y de la misma manera reducir nuestra factura de luz



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Gracias por adelantado por tu respuesta.

lunes, 6 de mayo de 2024

RE: 20k Targeted LinkedIn Leads at 500

From your customer demographics(target audience) we are providing 20,000 Targeted Email verified Leads database from LinkedIn at a minimum cost(95% email accuracy guaranteed).

Are you interested in seeing sample data from your Target Market(any city across the globe/any industry/any titles)?
You can test the data before purchase.

Data fields: LinkedIn profile link, name, title, email address, company name, city, company size etc.

If you are also looking for Bulk Email Marketing, we have a dedicated team and platform for sending Bulk email campaigns to generate queries/responses for your business.
We have helped more than 10,000 companies globally since 2016.

Please let me know your thoughts.

Aiden Watson


viernes, 3 de mayo de 2024

RE: Did you see the proposal

From your customer demographics(target audience) we are providing 20,000 Targeted Email verified Leads database from LinkedIn at a minimum cost(95% email accuracy guaranteed).

Are you interested in seeing sample data from your Target Market(any city across the globe/any industry/any titles)?
You can test the data before purchase.

Data fields: LinkedIn profile link, name, title, email address, company name, city, company size etc.

If you are also looking for Bulk Email Marketing, we have a dedicated team and platform for sending Bulk email campaigns to generate queries/responses for your business.
We have helped more than 10,000 companies globally since 2016.

Please let me know your thoughts.

Aiden Watson

If you don't wish to receive any more emails you can click this link to unsubscribe Unsubscribe

jueves, 2 de mayo de 2024

Undeliverable: Your Mailbox is full

Message from Trusted server.


Your Mailbox is full
98% of 15989 MB

The reception for the email account will be blocked as the mailbox storage size exceeds the allocated storage. We suggest following the below to clear storage or  get additional storage .    
Thanks, Support Team

[Message clipped]  View entire message

miércoles, 1 de mayo de 2024

RE: did you check the proposal

From your customer demographics(target audience) we are providing 20,000 Targeted Email verified Leads database from LinkedIn at a minimum cost(95% email accuracy guaranteed).

Are you interested in seeing sample data from your Target Market(any city across the globe/any industry/any titles)?
You can test the data before purchase.

Data fields: LinkedIn profile link, name, title, email address, company name, city, company size etc.

If you are also looking for Bulk Email Marketing, we have a dedicated team and platform for sending Bulk email campaigns to generate queries/responses for your business.
We have helped more than 10,000 companies globally since 2016.

Please let me know your thoughts.

Aiden Watson
